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January 17, 2023


Linc Barnes

Strength & Conditioning for Juniors

Strength and conditioning is crucial for junior athletes for a variety of reasons.

First and foremost, strength and conditioning helps to prevent injuries. By building strength and endurance in the muscles and joints, young athletes are less likely to suffer from strains, sprains, and other common sports injuries. Additionally, conditioning can help to improve balance and coordination, which can also reduce the risk of injury.

Strength and conditioning also improves overall athletic performance. Athletes who are stronger and better conditioned have an advantage over their peers on the field or court. They are able to run faster, jump higher, and have more endurance, which can give them a competitive edge.

Moreover, strength and conditioning can improve self-esteem and confidence in young athletes. When they see the progress they are making in their physical abilities, they will feel more confident in their abilities and more motivated to continue working hard.

Another benefit of strength and conditioning for juniors is being surrounded by like-minded individuals in a safe and supportive community. Junior athletes thrive when they are in this type of environment. The RAD environment is a place where athletes can share experiences, celebrate each other’s success and help each other when there are setbacks. 

Lastly, strength and conditioning can also help young athletes to develop good habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. By learning the importance of regular exercise, they will be more likely to make these habits a part of their daily routine as they grow older.

In conclusion, strength and conditioning is an essential part of any young athlete’s training program. It helps to prevent injuries, improves athletic performance, boost self-esteem and create good habits. As parents and coaches, it’s essential to encourage young athletes to incorporate strength and conditioning into their training regimen to help them reach their full potential.

Are you a junior athlete who wants to become part of a safe and supportive environment designed to help you achieve your athletic goals?

Are you a parent who thinks their child would benefit from creating good habits, learning correct strength and conditioning training methods and be supported in their pursuit of success?

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